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Marmaris Marina TURKEY
Marmaris - Fethiye
Blue Guide Blue Cruise Turkey
Ekincik Bay TURKEY
Marmaris - Fethiye
Blue Guide Blue Cruise Turkey
Iztuzu Beach Dalyan TURKEY
Marmaris - Fethiye
Blue Guide Blue Cruise Turkey
Caretta Caretta Turtle Dalyan TURKEY
Marmaris - Fethiye
Blue Guide Blue Cruise Turkey
Rock Tombs and Dalyan River TURKEY
Marmaris - Fethiye
Blue Guide Blue Cruise Turkey
Mud Bath Dalyan TURKEY
Marmaris - Fethiye
Blue Guide Blue Cruise Turkey
Dockyard Island Gocek TURKEY
Marmaris - Fethiye
Blue Guide Blue Cruise Turkey
Red Island Fethiye TURKEY
Marmaris - Fethiye
Blue Guide Blue Cruise Turkey
Fethiye Marina TURKEY
Marmaris - Fethiye
Blue Guide Blue Cruise Turkey
Oludeniz Fethiye TURKEY
Marmaris - Fethiye
Blue Guide Blue Cruise Turkey

Marmaris Fethiye

Marmaris - Ekincik - Aga Limanı - Batık Hamam ( Sunken Roman Bath ) - Kızıl Ada ( Red Island ) - Fethiye

Marmaris Fethiye Itinerary

Arriving at Marmaris, you are transported to Marmaris harbour. Bar Street parallels the harbour and may be visited at night. Evening meal and overnight stay on the boat. On the first day onboard, food service begins with the evening meal.

After breakfast, your guide will provide brief information on the site, and then you set off for Ekincik Bay. Lunch is served at the bay. We offer a Dalyan tour (extra) as an excursion from here. This includes a trip along the Dalyan River, seeing the Carian rock tombs, a mud bath, and a rest stop at famous Iztuzu Beach. Returning to the boat in the evening, overnight stay is at Ekincik Bay.

To make good of the morning wind, the captain will swing past Cape Disibilmez before you awaken. If you’re lucky, you might see dolphins in this area. Breakfast is served at Tersane Island, after which you visit the beautiful sunken Turkish bath. Overnight stay at Kizilada.

Arrive at Fethiye Harbour early in the morning. After breakfast on board say your goodbyes and disembark gulet in Fethiye harbour.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Cruise itineraries are given as a general guide only and may have to be changed without prior notice and are dependent on weather and docking conditions. Your captain has the final say.

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Blue Marmaris Fethiye, Cabin Charter Cruises, Marmaris Fethiye Cabin Charter Cruises, Cruise Company, Blue Guide Company, About Blue Guide Company, Blue Cruise in Turkey, Blue Cruise Agency, Blue Cruise Agent, Blue Guide Blue Cruise Company, Blue Guide Blue Cruise Agency, Blue Guide Blue Cruise Agent, Blue Cruise Agency in Turkey, Blue Cruise Agent in Turkey, Blue Guide Blue Cruise Company in Turkey, Blue Guide Blue Cruise Agency in Turkey, Blue Guide Blue Cruise Agent in Turkey

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